Thursday, April 4, 2013

My Crumbled Chicken Cordon Bleu Recipe

picture of Chicken Cordon Bleu home made
Cordon Bleu, contrary to popular belief, originated from Switzerland. A Swiss cookbook in 1949 has a recipe of a schnitzel filled with cheese which may be the inspiration for the cordon bleu variations. The term Cordon Bleu is French (that’s where most of the confusion comes from) meaning “Blue Ribbon.” Not related to the dish but there is a school in Paris, France (a very beautiful place by the way) called Le Cordon Bleu which happens to be the biggest hospitality school in the world. 

Must Have Tools & Utensils to prepare poultry at Home


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Hello, I am Martin, I am French and chicken is my favourite meat, so I wanted to share some nice recipes and tips to cook beautiful and easy poultry recipes at home. So I created this blog to post regularly some recipe :) Hope yo will find some of my recipes interesting, do not hesitate to leave a comment about your chicken cooking experience !

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