Friday, December 23, 2011

Simple & Good Christmas Recipe : Roast Turkey Buffet

turkey roasted with wine and sauceHello poultry lovers!

As we are approaching Christmas, I want to post another simple and great Christmas turkey recipe for theses who haven’t decided what they are going to cook for Christmas dinner and how to cook it properly to have a perfect dish for this very special occasion :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Top Christmas Recipe: Roast Turkey (or Duck) With Cherry Sauce

duck roasted on a big dish
This is a perfect poultry recipe to cook for Christmas dinner! 

You can also cook this recipe with ducks, but I prefer to make it with turkey because it is more traditional and a low level of saturated fat, more healthy J
You can also cook turkey / duck in orange sauce using the same method (see my personal cooking hints and tips in the end of this recipe)

Must Have Tools & Utensils to prepare poultry at Home


About us

Hello, I am Martin, I am French and chicken is my favourite meat, so I wanted to share some nice recipes and tips to cook beautiful and easy poultry recipes at home. So I created this blog to post regularly some recipe :) Hope yo will find some of my recipes interesting, do not hesitate to leave a comment about your chicken cooking experience !

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